Our Creed

We believe in God, the Creator of All Possibilities. In their own image, God creates a world of diversity, sees everything that is made, and they are very good. People of any gender, sexuality, race, class, and age shall live an abundant life seeking love and justice.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Beloved Son. He came to the world to practise love, suffered for justice, rose to liberate and renew everything.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Sustainer of Life, a testimony that everything belongs to God, who lives in us, grants us wisdom, guides us towards truth, moves us, and brings us comfort and freedom.

We believe the mission of the Church is to guide people to follow Christ, help people see God’s creation and grace, and build unity among all relationships.

We believe the Bible is inspired by God. It is a human response to their experience of God, and teaches us to live out love and justice.

We believe all believers are priests to each other. We shall live authentically, be salt and light to the world, and build a kindom in Christ together.

This, we proclaim.

