BMCC 基恩之家 on Facebook

超強颱風山竹突襲香港!為保障民眾生命安全,Pinkie呼籲大家留守家中。Pink Heroes Party會順延至9月29號(六)!敬請留意!

嚟唔到?亦都可以將票款捐出予Pink Dot HK作籌募經費之用。
如欲申請退款都可以Whatsapp至+852 6034 0068 同我哋講咖。

Pinkie 在此感謝您的支持和見諒,9月29日見!

Super Typhoon Mangkhut is hitting HK! For your own safety, Pinkie urges you to sit tight at home.
Pink Heroes Party will be postponed to 29th Sept (Sat)! Watch out for further update!

Don’t forget to mark your schedule, see you on 29th Sept!
If you are not able to attend, you are still encouraged to donate what you have paid as Pink Dot HK fundraising.
To refund tickets purchased, please contact +852 6034 0068 through WhatsApp.

Pinkie would like to thank you for your support and consideration for any inconvenience caused, see you on September 29!